Monday, September 24, 2007

Dear Diary, Tag Eins...

Twelve Of September, Two Thousand And Seven

Time : 0600hrs

Location : Budget Terminal
Attending : Singapore To Guang Zhou

Dear Diary...

It's 6am in the morning, and in the budget terminal, thankfully, the adrenaline in my system was keeping me awake, going to china wasn't my expection of a "holiday", but hey, you gotta try things at least once, at least, i think my mandarin should be able to hold up down there.

Today's tour members, Mark, Jo (Friend's of a friend who residing in China) and myself.
The three of us will be travelling down to Guangzhou to surpise Mark's beloved.

Or.. rather, just mark, the two of us will be there just to have fun!

All aboard the disco train...

That's our flight, tiger airlines.. apparently, the only airline working in the budget terminal.. we actually had to walked up to the planes, pretty cool concept.. like some big time celebrity on their personal private jet..ha..

Half an hour, we're airborne, onwards to China, Guangzhou.

As expected during a budget air flight, the leg space between each seats sucks!..
but, that doesn't prevent us from having a friendly psp match.. and sleeping..

it's just...very uncomfortable..

Time : Close To 12pm(Local Time)
Location : GuangZhou Internation Airport

Attending : Macdonalds

After a gruelling 3 hours ride, a long check out..and baggage claim, we finally set foot on China's Soil(not that i want to kiss it..but hey), we all agreed on one thing though.. okay.. not mark..Just Jo and Me...


Ironically, one was just around the corner, so we settle down.. and beginning discussing about our main source of transport..
The local cabs.. actually, honestly looks shady,
and sadly, amongst the three of us, Mark speaks the best mandarin, Jo reads the best, and myself.. well, i'm just the bodyguard with a pocketknife in my pocket(yes, we agreed on being lethal). Sadly, i didn;t take a photo of the mac's menu..
All i do know, is that there have this new type of pie.. Green Pea Pie..mmm sounds.. ever so.. disgusting..while, the rest of the menu looks identical to our local menu, except, there isn't a mcspicy or grilled foldover..

That done.

Our next experience, was pretty much quite scary in a-way, a taxi driver almost deceived the three of us, saying that he knew the district we were intending to travel to, instead, he lead us about 500 metres away from the airport to another cab.
We decided not to heed his cab, and turn around, he even gave us his namecard. Freaky.. So we had no choice but to travel the safe way.. through the airport transport. The reception corrected us on the location we were heading to. We were glad, as that would mean getting misleaded by the previous taxi driver.

And with that, we all headed to his mini van.
And boy, was that mini van a messiah to my eyes

6 Seater, Air Con blowing into my face, and a bloody friendly driver.

I managed to snap some photos on the way.. but don't expect any thing nice..
he was driving rather fast.. and.. all i see is greenery for the first 20 minutes..

Foggy City

Our friendly Driver

I Guess everywhere in the world, there's bound to be a traffic jam, we encountered one during our journey to the hotel. Hence, delaying the trip duration to an hour plus.

We arrived at the hotel. With Shirley and friends waiting.. where Mark's beloved was not really expecting this.. (it was a set up after all), sorry folks.. no images here.. kinda shag from the ride..

So, after checking in the hotel, We had lunch at a nearby shopping complex, Japanese sushi lunch. Which after, our hosts ditch us, as their lunch time was over.
Leaving Jo, Mark and myself to roam in Guangzhou, un-supervised! Woot!!

Though, we should have explored the more interesting places, we started off by exploring the nearest shopping complex. Tee Mall

Tee mall is just like another ordinary mall, there are eatries, toy shops, electronics shops, female clothing(tons of it!), an arcade, a cinema. It's like all of the malls back home combined into 7 stories of pure shopping.

There are many shops that interest us, but i only managed to captured this shop that should be familar to us. I got lazy the other times. :P

After, exploring 5 levels of Tee Mall, we got bored, and decided to head back to the hotel to "recuperate" before "intending" to head out again.. you know the usual, wash up, refresh and go type of thingy?

Yea.. didn't turn out well.. we on the Telly, to discover only all mandarin/cantonese shows playing.. 24..7..

and we ended up doing random stuff..
From learning different languages to just..slacking around

After, slacking for awhile..
i guessed.. i fell asleep.. for when i woke up..
Mark was asking me to pack up, as we're heading to their apartment..

Dinner time i heard.. :P


our shock when we saw how messy was the apartment(the images are after we cleared some stuff up) clothes were everywhere, food stuff littered! empty bottles, wrappers, plastic bags.. more clothes! magazines! pieces of random papers!

The sleeping quarters wasn't very tidy too.. (notice background), it's like a typhoon came into the apartment and messed it up.. well, partly the reason for the house being so messy is that they are rushing to pack up their luggage..
but.. so how.. i felt that it was that messy to begin with... :P

An interesting factor that every Singaporean doesn't fail to do..

Ah.. piracy.. never leave home without it

We had dinner at a very isolated vegetarian restaurant...
Okay, we had a late dinner, only two tables were occupied when we arrived..
We had quite a feast..
the veggie fried rice was good..It's good

and..sadly, once again.. i don't have photos..
still overcoming jet lag.. even though we're in the same timezone..

After dinner, we strolled down the street for alittle..before deciding to head back to the apartment, where we helped clean up..

All was good on the first day.. we came back to the hotel late.. say, 11pm, 12am?
Where we just kick our sneakers off.. and lay down on our hard spring beds..
did i fail to mention that? hard spring beds..

Mark had a artistic idea before we retire..
negatives didn't really came out the way he wanted.. :P

And thats the end of day one..

I leave you with one last photo.. something, we didn't see during the day, but can see it so clearly at night....

if i recalled..
it stands for... "Trading Industry Of Tradeworth" or something along that line..


Tag Zwei : GuangZhou's Attractions

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