Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I've always wondered..

why people avoided sitting beside me on buses, bus stops, trains, train station, generally everywhere and i'm talking about common everyday strangers.. not friends.. gee.. even some of my friends avoid me.. haha

it's been going on since i was a teenager..
everytime i'm waiting for a bus or a train
and i'm sitting at the sitting area..
strangers will tend to avoid me..

even if there was ample seats..
or the only seat left..

even on trains and buses..
sometimes. where there is only one seat.. and alot of people standing..
they will avoid sitting beside me..

strange if you asked me..
then again..
i notice that the group that avoid this the most
are the females..

what a random thought..
been avoided by females..

all my life.. hahah
Phfff to that...

- Trust Me.. I'm No Otaku, I'm Just Strange.

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