Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hanged with Gary and Pris at SimLim Square today, looking our for Pris's choice of labtops and Gary Choices of China Dolls..

Pris had her choices of labtops

So did Gary. :D

With China Dolls..

After which, we headed down to a cafe to chill and destress from all that researching and sightseeing..

We all saw someone who we all agreed who was cute!! Rare for all three of us to agree on beauty and completely stared at her.. hahah


Guess what her name was?


Pretty unusual for a name..

But it really suits her personality!

When she serves us, she does it with this heavenly smilee..myyehh..
that would melt anyone..

then she spoke..

"Holy Smokes!!"

heh.. we kinda derived that she wasn't local..

then again, with a name like "Smile" hmmm..


bottom line.

She's cute. :P
Her actions..
She's like a character from a japanese manga. heh..

Anyone up for a nice place to chill, drinks and food??
I'm game! Call me :P

* no photos, we're admirers of beauty, not stalkers :P :P :P

Don't emo too much yea Pris.. think, but don't overthink. Remember Joshua? :P

Gary.. if you want that china girl.. i'll try to help you yea.. :P

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